Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Whitetail Deer Hunting

Hunting is a popular type of activity that comes and goes in seasons. One of the most popular seasons in the northeastern part of the country is whitetail deer hunting. People come from all over the country to some of the best hunting spots to take part in this season. If you live where hunting is common, this season is already known to you. If not, you may want to find out when it is so that you can travel. However, like with anything else, there are rules you must follow and things you must know. It is about more than just getting a gun and walking out into the woods. Deer may not seem smart, but they are brighter than you think. You may go home empty handed.

If you live where whitetail deer hunting is common, you may have heard or even told a funny story about those that come out of town to go hunting. These folks do not know a lot about the woods, and their trips are only as functional as those that advise them. Some of these stories include people shooting other people, cars, goats, horses, and even houses. You may laugh, but many of these stories are true. Some come for whitetail deer hunting not knowing what a deer looks like. The biggest sin in hunting is not being sure before you fire a weapon. Don't be a funny or tragic story and learn more about your target.

When learning about whitetail deer hunting, learn about what these deer can and can not do. This information will help you tremendously, but does not always guarantee that you are going to get what you want. Deer are colorblind, so wearing the bright orange designated by law is not a problem, but wearing something like cologne could be a problem. They make up for lack of color sight with a very keen sense of smell. Do not wear any scent of any kind, and leave your clothing outside overnight if you can to take away 'people' smells. Also remember they hear very well, so being quite while waiting in the woods is key.

You should also learn about habit before going out for whitetail deer hunting trips. Deer sleep during the day and are awake all night. That makes dawn a great time to find one, though that does not always work. Deer eat vegetation and have very specific habits that they stick to when eating, mating, and just living in general. Deer may go into water when you are whitetail deer hunting. This may not seem important, but you should learn about this. They are seeking shelter there and you are not legally able to shoot them in water.

One thing to remember in whitetail deer hunting when you are coming from out of town is respect. If you are hunting on someone else's land, treat it as your own and do not go there if you do not have permission from the owner. You may have to use state game lands otherwise. Wildlife is respected and cared for in the areas where whitetail deer hunting is common, and those that own the land are not the redneck, hillbillies you may think they are. Treat them and their land with respect and they will welcome you back year after year if you wish to continue hunting.

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