Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

Common Pregnancy Complications

There are dreams that a women will have while pregnant that do not include any pregnancy complications. While women may be aware that things can happen, most assume they will be okay even as they worry. However, each woman should be aware of some of the more common complications of pregnancy so that she knows what to look for to possibly avoid a bigger problem. Some of these can harm the mother and the unborn child, and some can lead to premature labor. Doctors can help with some complications, but it is up to the woman to know her own body and to see when a potential problem is starting.

Pre-eclempsia is one of the more common pregnancy complications. Those that have this will have high blood pressure and will retain a lot of fluids. This is just one of the reasons why you will have your blood pressure checked when you go in for your doctors visits and why your doctors will check for swelling of the hands and feet. In between visits, women should take note if they feel dizzy when standing or moving and see flecks before their eyes when this happens. It can happen on occasion and mean nothing is wrong, but if it happens often, the doctor should be notified. Excessive swelling in the hands and feet should also signal that it is time to call the office.

Women believe that their days of wearing pads are over when they are pregnant. After all, a woman does not have a period while she is expecting. However, the body has a different idea. You may have problems with small urine leaks and also with excessive cervical fluid production. Some of this is normal, but a large amount (especially when tinged with or accompanied with blood) can signal a problem. Fluid that soaks your pad and panties could be amniotic fluid, which signals a huge problem. Call your OB if you have more fluid than you are use to having. Don't be afraid to be wrong as this can be one of the more serious pregnancy complications.

Your doctor may tell you all about Braxton Hicks contractions. These are small, irregular, and relatively painless. They can be practice for the big event. However, if you lie down and drink some fluids, these can go away. If they do not, become more regular (at least ten minutes or less apart), and are becoming painful, you could be in real labor. When in doubt, call someone right away and get checked out. At times, this pre-term labor can be stopped, and other times, like in the case of infection, it should not be stopped. If you must deliver early, you want to be as prepared as possible.

There are other pregnancy complications, like the early separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, that can happen. This will probably mean delivering early, though you may be able to hold off for a week or two on total bed rest and with medications so the baby can mature as much as possible. Many other pregnancy complications can be fixed if caught early like gestational diabetes. You may not like hearing about what may go wrong, but having a good understanding of these things and the signs to look out for can mean that you catch something early enough that you can stop premature labor or other problems from occurring.

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